Из Rise to Rebellion, сцена где Джефферсона вконец достали редакторские правки от Франклина и Адамса, и Франклин его утешает историей на тему, мне лично известную под названием "столб - это хорошо отредактированная ёлка" ))
“Allow me to interrupt our thoughts for a moment. Anyone who offers to draft a document for public consumption puts himself at risk. I am reminded of someone I knew a while ago, a hatter. He was just opening his own business, and wished to post an appropriate banner above his store. After much thought, he constructed a sign that included the drawing of a hat, beside the words John Thompson, Hatter, Makes and Sells Hats for Ready Money. As he showed his creation to his friends, one observed that the word hatter was redundant, since he also noted that he makes hats. Another friend noted that the word makes might as well be omitted, because the customers would not care who made the hats. If they liked the hats, they would buy them no matter who their maker. Another stated he thought the words for ready money to be useless, as everyone who purchased a hat would expect to pay. The changes were made, and the sign now read John Thompson Sells Hats. Another friend says, ‘Sells hats? Why, no one would expect you to give them away. And being that there is a drawing of a hat on the board, why use the word at all?’ Thus the merchant reduced the sign to John Thompson, accompanied by the picture of a hat. He has been, I might add, rather successful.”