half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
четаю ту самую книжку про Гамильтона) Fascinating stuff, и написано, гм, выразительно))
Про родителей Гамильтона, не самых успешных в обществе людей:
They were both scarred by early setbacks, had suffered a vertiginous descent in social standing, and had grappled with the terrors of downward economic mobility.
Так вот ты какой, отрицательный рост
Про родителей Гамильтона, не самых успешных в обществе людей:
They were both scarred by early setbacks, had suffered a vertiginous descent in social standing, and had grappled with the terrors of downward economic mobility.
Так вот ты какой, отрицательный рост