half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
Четаю книжку Юваля Харари Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind. Дошла до главы про империи, и натыкаюсь на следующий пассаж:
When Romans invaded Scotland in AD 83, they were met by fierce resistance from local Caledonian tribes, and reacted by laying waste to the country. In reply to Roman peace offers, the chieftain Calgacus called the Romans “the ruffians of the world” and said that “to plunder, slaughter and robbery they give the lying name of empire, they make a desert and call it peace”
Чо-то, думаю, оно мне напоминает очень сильно. Подумав, понимаю что серию из Доктора Кто, где они ищут пропавший Девятый легион, а находят много трупов, кучку кельтов и парочку монстров. Кельтская девица во главе кучки говорит буквально следующее:
Let me tell me about the Romans. They are the robbers of this world. When they've thieved everything on land, they rob the sea. If their enemies are rich, they'll take all they have. If their enemies are poor, they'll make slaves of them. Their work is robbery, slaughter, plunder. They do this work and they call it empire. They make deserts and they call it peace.
На что Доктор довольно цинично отвечает что мол да, это всё прекрасно, но чо вы теперь делать-то будете, когда у вас монстры бегают и жрут всех подряд) (Спойлер )
Харари же, не менее цинично, пишет дальше следующее:
No Caledonian writer preserved Calgacus' speech for posterity. We know of it thanks to the Roman historian Tacitus. In fact, Tacitus probably made it up. Most scholars today agree that Tacitus not only fabricated the speech but invented the character of Calgacus, the Caledonian chieftain, to serve as a mouthpiece for what he and other upper-class Romans thought about their own country.
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