half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
What means this shouting? I do fear the people
Choose Caesar for their king.

The word "king" had a dread sound to Romans throughout their great days, a dread that dated back to the hated Tarquin. The tale of Tarquin was a heritage of every Roman schoolboy, as the tale of George III is of every Аmerican schoolboy, and a stanch republicanism was inculcated in the former case as it is in the latter.

(I. Asimov, Guide to Shakespeare, vol. I)

Гарольд Блум разочаровал в смысле трактовки Юлия Цезаря) Ну сколько можно носиться со своим фрейдизмом, who cares был ли Брут незаконным сыном Цезаря или нет, уж Шекспиру-то точно было пофиг)) Но нет, надо обязательно натянуть эту усталую сову на глобус, бубубу

@темы: книги