half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
про Томаса Мора, A Man For All Seasons. Внезапно очень актуально, и прекрасный Пол Скофилд в роли Мора.
"And will you forfeit all you have, which includes the respect of your country, for a belief?"
"Because what matters is that I believe it, or rather no, not that I believe it, but that I believe it. I trust I make myself obscure?"
"What do you value in your bulldogs? Gripping, is it not?"
"It's their nature?"
"It's why you breed them?"
"It's so with men. I will not give in because I oppose it. Not my pride, not my spleen, nor any other of my appetites, but I do, I. Is there in the midst of all this muscle, no sinew that serves no appetite of Norfolk's but is just Norfolk?"
"And will you forfeit all you have, which includes the respect of your country, for a belief?"
"Because what matters is that I believe it, or rather no, not that I believe it, but that I believe it. I trust I make myself obscure?"
"What do you value in your bulldogs? Gripping, is it not?"
"It's their nature?"
"It's why you breed them?"
"It's so with men. I will not give in because I oppose it. Not my pride, not my spleen, nor any other of my appetites, but I do, I. Is there in the midst of all this muscle, no sinew that serves no appetite of Norfolk's but is just Norfolk?"