half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
1) Ходили с собаченькой гулять в лес. На выходе из леса повстречали заблудившегося филиппинца. Мило побеседовали на английском, филиппинец был наставлен на путь истинный, собаченька и я пошли домой.

2) Наткнулась в Айвенго на совершенно толкиеновский пассаж: Their escutcheons have long mouldered from the walls of their castles. Their castles themselves are but green mounds and shattered ruins: the place that once knew them, knows them no more—nay, many a race since theirs has died out and been forgotten in the very land which they occupied with all the authority of feudal proprietors and feudal lords.

Probably much less surprising than meeting a Philippino in Armenian mountains, lol.

@темы: книги, ебаньки на марше, дыбр, Schprachfimmel