half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
I wonder if I'll ever stop being creeped out by ChatGPT :alles:

The thing is incredibly useful, but it's just too weird. Among other things, you get better results if you actually formulate your prompts as if you were talking to a person :susp:

Also I wonder if, or rather when, they're gonna have to alter language exams format, because seriously, what's the point of checking a person's ability to write a freaking email or compose an essay when nobody's gonna bother writing those things themselves in a very, very short time.

Also, doom and gloom (but the guy is charming and looks a bit a lot like Mr. Finch from Person of Interest, lol)

@темы: дыбр, youTube, Schprachfimmel, twenty years of schooling and they'll put you on the day shift