half an Airedale and half a Retriever, and the worst half of both
Тематические шутки 
Еврейский клиент Паладина: “If the rich could only hire people to die for them, the poor would make a nice living.”
(Паладина внезапно навещает знакомый по одному прошлому делу бомж)
“I came here in the first place to see my uncle Mort.”
“Well, why don't you see him?!”
“I tried, but he died before I could get here. Just like he knowed I was comin'.”
“I wish I'd thought of it myself.”

Еврейский клиент Паладина: “If the rich could only hire people to die for them, the poor would make a nice living.”
(Паладина внезапно навещает знакомый по одному прошлому делу бомж)
“I came here in the first place to see my uncle Mort.”
“Well, why don't you see him?!”
“I tried, but he died before I could get here. Just like he knowed I was comin'.”
“I wish I'd thought of it myself.”