прекрасное) Как он объяснял друзьям почему не придёт на коронацию Анны Болейн)
He told them, first, a story concerning the emperor Tiberius; he had enacted a law which exacted death for a certain penalty, unless the offender were a virgin. But when a virgin woman did eventually appear on that charge the emperor was unsure how to proceed. Then one of his council proposed the perfect solution. ‘Why make you so much ado, my lords, about so small a matter? Let her first be deflowered and then after may she be devoured!’
Thomas More: And so, though your lordships have in the matter of the matrimony kept yourselves pure virgins, yet take good heed, my lords, that you keep your virginity still. For some there be that by procuring your lordships first at the coronation to be present, and next to preach for the setting forth of it, and finally to write books to all the world in defense thereof, are desirous to deflower you; and when they have deflowered you, then will they not fail soon after to devour you. Now, my lords, it lieth not in my power but that they may devour me. But God, being my good Lord, I will provide that they shall never deflower me!
ещё из Томаса Мора,
| суббота, 16 марта 2024