нет, ну то есть я уже когда решила прочетать Мизераблей в оригинале, то обнаружила что французский legalese аналогичен английскому, но вот оно историческое доказательство, оно же provenance XD
English was used for general argument in the courts, while most of the statutes and writs were composed in Latin; but formal pleading, and the exercises known as ‘moots’, were conducted in a strange judicial vernacular called ‘Law French’. This was an inheritance from the Norman kings, but it had developed into a hybrid form of speech suited only to judges and lawyers: ‘Est un question in nos livres si … l’opinion des touts les justices … Amendez votre ple.’ Even the ‘Year Books’, those records of pleas and cases going back to the thirteenth century, are in that tongue.
(Ackroyd, The Life of Thomas More)