посмотрела "Частную жизнь Шерлока Холмса", кено и в целом неплохое, но самое начало с русским балетом - это просто огнище

Русская прима-балерина хочет ребёнка от Холмса

"Madam says, you are shorter than she thought."
"Oh, I didn't mean to be!"

"Mr Holmes, what you have seen tonight is last and positively final performance of Madam Petrova. She's retiring."
"Oh, what a shame."
"She's been dancing since she was three years old, and after all, she's now thirty-eight."
"I must say, she doesn't look thirty-eight."
"That is because she is forty-nine."

"Madam says you talk too much. You find her attractive or no?"
"I-I find her most attractive. For a woman, that is."
"Then no problem!"
"May be a slight one. You see, I am not a free man."
"Not free? But you are bachelor?"
"A bachelor, living with another bachelor for the last five years. Five very happy years."
"What is it you are trying to tell us?"
"Well, I hoped that I could avoid this subject, but some of us, through a cruel caprice of Mother Nature... "
"Get to point."
"The point is that Tchaikoffsky is not an isolated case."
"Surely, you and Dr Watson...?"
"He... is your glass of tea?"
"If you want to be picturesque about it."