про Томаса Мора, A Man For All Seasons. Внезапно очень актуально, и прекрасный Пол Скофилд в роли Мора.

"And will you forfeit all you have, which includes the respect of your country, for a belief?"
"Because what matters is that I believe it, or rather no, not that I believe it, but that I believe it. I trust I make myself obscure?"

"What do you value in your bulldogs? Gripping, is it not?"
"It's their nature?"
"It's why you breed them?"
"It's so with men. I will not give in because I oppose it. Not my pride, not my spleen, nor any other of my appetites, but I do, I. Is there in the midst of all this muscle, no sinew that serves no appetite of Norfolk's but is just Norfolk?"