книжка подробная шописец))) четырнадцатая глава уже, а у них только-только Ли отказался воевать за федералов)))
“Have you made any headway with Colonel Lee?”
“None, sir. I spoke to him. Then Mr. Blair spoke to him. Colonel Lee was the soul of courtesy—and of honor. This morning I received a dispatch from Richmond. Colonel Lee is now a commander of the rebel army.”
“It will be interesting,” said Lincoln, “to see what sort of commander he will make, since he claims to abominate slavery and to regard secession as treason.”
“He will fight very well, sir,” said General Scott, gloomily. “It is a matter of honor.”
“I see,” said Lincoln, who plainly did not, thought Hay, as he made his notes.
и военные части квартируют в Белом доме))
Old Edward greeted the President with the news that Mayor Brown of Baltimore, with a delegation of the city’s leading citizens, was waiting for him in the Blue Room. Meanwhile, in the East Room, the Kentucky volunteers were cooking their dinner in the fireplaces, and singing sad songs.