крайне своевременная статья про burnout. Как всегда, анализ + исторический экскурс)
Из экскурса: термин изобрёл психиатр еврейского (а как же) происхождения родом из Германии, которому удалось избежать Холокоста эмигрировав по чужому паспорту. Образование получал уже в Америке, а как отучился, вдобавок к обычной врачебной практике пошел работать дополнительно в клинику для бедных (free clinic). Среди бесплатных пациентов преобладали наркоманы, и само слово burnout - это от них, героинщиков. А за собой и за своими коллегами доктор заметил этот самый burnout безо всякого героина, поработав с десяток лет на износ на двух работах.
Из анализа, пару цитат:
читать дальше “Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do ‘people work’ of some kind,” Maslach wrote then. She emphasized burnout in the “helping professions”: teaching, nursing, and social work—professions dominated by women who are almost always very poorly paid (people who, extending the military metaphor, are lately classed as frontline workers, alongside police, firefighters, and E.M.T.s). Taking care of vulnerable people and witnessing their anguish exacts an enormous toll and produces its own suffering. Naming that pain was meant to be a step toward alleviating it. But it hasn’t worked out that way, because the conditions of doing care work—the emotional drain, the hours, the thanklessness—have not gotten better.
The louder the talk about burnout, it appears, the greater the number of people who say they’re burned out: harried, depleted, and disconsolate. What can explain the astonishing rise and spread of this affliction? Declining church membership comes to mind. In 1985, seventy-one per cent of Americans belonged to a house of worship, which is about what that percentage had been since the nineteen-forties; in 2020, only forty-seven per cent of Americans belonged to an institution of faith.
But this explanation goes only so far, not least because the emergence of the prosperity gospel made American Christianity a religion of achievement. Much the same appears to apply to other faiths. A Web site called productivemuslim.com offers advice on “How to Counter Workplace Burnout” (“There is barakah in earning a halal income”). Also, actually praying, honoring the Sabbath, and attending worship services don’t seem to prevent people who are religious from burning out, since religious Web sites and magazines, too, are full of warnings about burnout, including for the clergy.
одну цитату без моря, ибо прекрасно
You can suffer from marriage burnout and parent burnout and pandemic burnout partly because, although burnout is supposed to be mainly about working too much, people now talk about all sorts of things that aren’t work as if they were: you have to work on your marriage, work in your garden, work out, work harder on raising your kids, work on your relationship with God. (...) Even getting a massage is “bodywork.”
ещо из экскурса: в бесплатной больничке где трудился первооткрыватель burnout'a, было огромное количество пациентов - ветеранов Вьетнама, так что (по мнению НЙ), от него до PTSD - примерно полшага))